Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I now have ids for Google, Blogger, Bloglines, Delicious, Zoho Writer, and PBworks. It seems unlikley that I will be able to keep all the ids and passwords at hand, but I will try. In addition to these, I am thinking about setting up an account on Flickr.

The Technology Tappas worked well for me. It has been most useful to actually use services that I knew about but had little hands-on experience with. Of all the various programs, I found Bloglines the most useful. There were some web sites I enjoyed visiting occasionally and reading, but I never knew when something new was available. Now I do. Great.

Delicious was also somewhat useful and fun. I find it helpful that I can now get at my favorites from different computers. I use to have the problem of being at home and wanting a link I saved at work and vice versa. Delicious has solved that problem.

I found Zoho Writer (and Google documents) to be completely useless. They don't give me enough control over format and when I move documents from one place to another, the format gets messed up. Word works fine for me.

The work with wikis and flickr have given me some ideas on how to build some pages that integrate photos and text. I may try building something if I can find the time.

As for Blogger and blogging, I'm not too excited. Usually, after adding to my blog, I don't even find it interesting. I'm pretty sure no one else would either. This idea of self publishing seems like a good idea, but for the most part I don't see much I would actually want to read.

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